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These terms of use, together with any and all other documents referred to herein, set out the terms of use under which you may use this website, (“our site”). Please read these terms of use carefully and ensure that you understand them.Standard terms of sale apply. Your agreement to comply with and be bound by these terms of use is deemed to occur upon your first use of our site and you will be required to read and accept these termsspecial of use when signing up for an account. If you do not agree to comply with and be bound by these terms of use, you must stop using our site immediately. These terms of use do not apply to the sale of goods. Please refer to our terms of sale for more information.
In these terms of use, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions have the following meanings:
“account” means an account required for a user to access and/or use certain areas of our site;
“content” means any and all text, images, audio, video, scripts, code, software, databases and any other form of information capable of being stored on a computer that appears on, or forms part of, our site;
“user” means a user of our site;
“user content” means any content submitted to our site by users including, but not limited to, product reviews and comments; and
“we/us/our” means bleach products ltd, a company registered in england under 07951797, whose registered address is bleach products ltd, unit 1, ashton farm, 4 high street, braithwell, rotherham s66 7al.
Our site,, is owned and operated by bleach products ltd, a limited company registered in england under 07951797, whose registered address is bleach products ltd, unit 1, ashton farm, 4 high street, braithwell, rotherham s66 7al. Our vat number is gb16674129
Access to our site is free of charge. It is your responsibility to make any and all arrangements necessary in order to access our site. Access to our site is provided “as is” and on an “as available” basis. We may alter, suspend or discontinue our site (or any part of it) at any time and without notice. We will not be liable to you in any way if our site (or any part of it) is unavailable at any time and for any period.
Certain parts of our site (including the ability to purchase goods from us) may require an account in order to access them. When creating an account, the information you provide must be accurate and complete. If any of your information changes at a later date, it is your responsibility to ensure that your account is kept up-to-date. We recommend that you choose a strong password for your account, consisting of a combination of lower and uppercase letters, numbers and symbols. It is your responsibility to keep your password safe. We will not be liable for any unauthorised use of your account. You must not use anyone else’s account without the express permission of the user to whom the account belongs.
Any personal information provided in your account will be collected, used, and held in accordance with your rights and our obligations under the data protection act 1998. If you wish to close your account, you may do so at any time. Closing your account will result in the removal of your information. If you close your account, any reviews or comments will be deleted or anonymised by removing your username.
With the exception of user content, all content included on our site and the copyright and other intellectual property rights subsisting in that content, unless specifically labelled otherwise, belongs to or has been licensed by us. All content (including user content) is protected by applicable united kingdom and international intellectual property laws and treaties.
You may not reproduce, copy, distribute, sell, rent, sub-licence, store, or in any other manner re-use content from our site unless given express written permission to do so by us. You may view, copy and print portions of our website for the sole purpose of placing an order with us. The materials on our website may not be used for any other purpose. Our status as the owner and author of the content on our site (or that of identified licensors, as appropriate) must always be acknowledged.
User content on our site includes (but is not necessarily limited to) product reviews and comments. An account is required if you wish to submit user content. You agree that you will be solely responsible for your user content. Specifically, you agree, represent and warrant that you have the right to submit the user content and that all such user content will comply with our acceptable usage policy.
You agree that you will be liable to us and will, to the fullest extent permissible by law, indemnify us for any breach of the warranties given by you under this clause. You will be responsible for any loss or damage suffered by us as a result of such breach.
You (or your licensors, as appropriate) retain ownership of your user content and all intellectual property rights subsisting therein. When you submit user content you grant us an unconditional, non-exclusive, fully transferrable, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide licence to use, store, archive, syndicate, publish, transmit, adapt, edit, reproduce, distribute, prepare derivative works from, display, perform and sub-licence your user content for the purposes of operating and promoting our site. In addition, you also grant other users the right to copy and quote your user content within our site.
If you wish to remove user content from our site, the user content in question will be deleted or anonymised by removing your username. Please note, however, that caching or references to your user content may not be made immediately unavailable (or may not be made unavailable at all where they are outside of our reasonable control). We may reject, reclassify, or remove any user content from our site where, in our sole opinion, it violates our acceptable usage policy, or if we receive a complaint from a third party and determine that the user content in question should be removed as a result.
You may link to our site provided that:
– you do so in a fair and legal manner;
– you do not do so in a manner that suggests any form of association, endorsement or approval on our part where none exists;
– you do not use any logos or trade marks displayed on our site without our express written permission; and
– you do not do so in a way that is calculated to damage our reputation or to take unfair advantage of it.
You may not link to any page other than the homepage of our site. Deep-linking to other pages, or framing or embedding at part of our site, requires our express written permission. Please contact us at for further information.
You may not link to our site from any other site the main content of which contains material that:
– is sexually explicit;
– is obscene, deliberately offensive, hateful or otherwise inflammatory;
– promotes violence;
– promotes or assists in any form of unlawful activity;
– discriminates against, or is in any way defamatory of, any person, group or class of persons, race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation, or age;
– is intended or is otherwise likely to threaten, harass, annoy, alarm, inconvenience, upset, or embarrass another person;
– is calculated or is otherwise likely to deceive another person;
– is intended or is otherwise likely to infringe (or to threaten to infringe) another person’s privacy;
– misleadingly impersonates any person or otherwise misrepresents the identity or affiliation of a particular person in a way that is calculated to deceive (obvious parodies are not included in this definition provided that they do not fall within any of the other provisions of this sub-clause);
– implies any form of affiliation with us where none exists;
– infringes, or assists in the infringement of, the intellectual property rights (including, but not limited to, copyright, trade marks and database rights) of any other party; or
– is made in breach of any legal duty owed to a third party including, but not limited to, contractual duties and duties of confidence.
The content restrictions in this sub-clause do not apply to content submitted to sites by other users provided that the primary purpose of the site accords with the provisions of this sub-clause. You are not, for example, prohibited from posting links on general-purpose social networking sites merely because another user may post such content. You are, however, prohibited from posting links on websites which focus on or encourage the submission of such content from users.
Links to other sites may be included on our site. Unless expressly stated, these sites are not under our control. We neither assume nor accept responsibility or liability for the content of third party sites. The inclusion of a link to another site on our site is for information only and does not imply any endorsement of the sites themselves or of those in control of them.
Nothing on our site constitutes advice on which you should rely. It is provided for general information purposes only. Professional or specialist advice, unique to you, should always be sought before taking any action relating to hair colouring or make-up.
Insofar as is permitted by law, we make no representation, warranty, or guarantee that our site will meet your requirements, that it will not infringe the rights of third parties, that it will be compatible with all software and hardware, or that it will be secure. If, as a result of our failure to exercise reasonable care and skill, any digital content from our site damages your device or other digital content belonging to you, you may be entitled to certain legal remedies. For more details concerning your rights and remedies as a consumer, please contact your local citizens advice bureau or trading standards office.
We make reasonable efforts to ensure that the content on our site is complete, accurate, and up-to-date. We do not, however, make any representations, warranties or guarantees (whether express or implied) that the content is complete, accurate, or up-to-date. Please note that this exception does not apply to information concerning goods for sale through our site. Please refer to our terms of sale for more information.
We are not responsible for the content or accuracy, or for any opinions, views, or values expressed in user content. Any such opinions, views, or values are those of the relevant user and do not reflect our opinions, views, or values in any way.
The provisions here apply only to the use of our site and not to the sale of goods, which is governed separately by our terms of sale.
To the fullest extent permissible by law, we accept no liability to any user for any loss or damage, whether foreseeable or otherwise, in contract, tort (including negligence), for breach of statutory duty, or otherwise, arising out of or in connection with the use of (or inability to use) our site or the use of or reliance upon any content (including user content) included on our site.
To the fullest extent permissible by law, we exclude all representations, warranties, and guarantees (whether express or implied) that may apply to our site or any content included on our site.
If you are a business user, we accept no liability for loss of profits, sales, business or revenue; loss of business opportunity, goodwill or reputation; loss of anticipated savings; business interruption; or for any indirect or consequential loss or damage.
We exercise all reasonable skill and care to ensure that our site is free from viruses and other malware. However, we accept no liability for any loss or damage resulting from a virus or other malware, a distributed denial of service attack, or other harmful material or event that may adversely affect your hardware, software, data or other material that occurs as a result of your use of our site (including the downloading of any content from it) or any other site referred to on our site.
We neither assume nor accept responsibility or liability arising out of any disruption or non-availability of our site resulting from external causes including, but not limited to, isp equipment failure, host equipment failure, communications network failure, natural events, acts of war, or legal restrictions and censorship.
Nothing in these terms of use excludes or restricts our liability for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation, for death or personal injury resulting from negligence, or for any other forms of liability which cannot be excluded or restricted by law. For full details of consumers’ legal rights, including those relating to digital content, please contact your local citizens’ advice bureau or trading standards office.
We exercise all reasonable skill and care to ensure that our site is secure and free from viruses and other malware. You are responsible for protecting your hardware, software, data and other material from viruses, malware, and other internet security risks. You must not deliberately introduce viruses or other malware, or any other material which is malicious or technologically harmful either to or via our site. You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to any part of our site, the server on which our site is stored, or any other server, computer, or database connected to our site. You must not attack our site by means of a denial of service attack, a distributed denial of service attack, or by any other means.
By breaching these provisions, you may be committing a criminal offence under the computer misuse act 1990. Any and all such breaches will be reported to the relevant law enforcement authorities and we will cooperate fully with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them. Your right to use our site will cease immediately in the event of such a breach.
You may only use our site in a manner that is lawful and that complies with the provisions of this clause. Specifically:
– you must ensure that you comply fully with any and all local, national or international laws and/or regulations;
– you must not use our site in any way, or for any purpose, that is unlawful or fraudulent;
– you must not use our site to knowingly send, upload, or in any other way transmit data that contains any form of virus or other malware, or any other code designed to adversely affect computer hardware, software, or data of any kind; and
– you must not use our site in any way, or for any purpose, that is intended to harm any person or persons in any way.
When submitting user content (or communicating in any other way using our site), you must not submit, communicate or otherwise do anything that:
– is sexually explicit;
– is obscene, deliberately offensive, hateful or otherwise inflammatory;
– promotes violence;
– promotes or assists in any form of unlawful activity;
– discriminates against, or is in any way defamatory of, any person, group or class of persons, race, gender, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age;
– is intended or otherwise likely to threaten, harass, annoy, alarm, inconvenience, upset, or embarrass another person;
– is calculated or is otherwise likely to deceive;
– is intended or otherwise likely to infringe (or threaten to infringe) another person’s right to privacy;
– misleadingly impersonates any person or otherwise misrepresents your identity or affiliation in a way that is calculated to deceive (obvious parodies are not included within this definition provided that they do not fall within any of the other provisions of this sub-clause);
– implies any form of affiliation with us where none exists;
– infringes, or assists in the infringement of, the intellectual property rights (including, but not limited to, copyright, patents, trade marks and database rights) of any other party; or
– is in breach of any legal duty owed to a third party including, but not limited to, contractual duties and duties of confidence.
We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your access to our site if you materially breach the provisions of this clause or any of the other provisions of these terms of use. Specifically, we may take one or more of the following actions:
– suspend, whether temporarily or permanently, your account and/or your right to access our site;
– remove any user content submitted by you that violates this acceptable usage policy;
– issue you with a written warning;
– take legal proceedings against you for reimbursement of any and all relevant costs on an indemnity basis resulting from your breach;
– take further legal action against you as appropriate;
– disclose such information to law enforcement authorities as required or as we deem reasonably necessary; and/or
– any other actions which we deem reasonably appropriate (and lawful).
We hereby exclude any and all liability arising out of any actions (including, but not limited to those set out above) that we may take in response to breaches of these terms of use.
As a result of viewing this website some information may become stored upon your computer. This information may be in the form of a ‘cookie’ or similar file which may help us in many ways for instance to improve the content of the website or to improve the matching of users interests or preferences. If you do not want a cookie to be stored in your computer, most internet browsers have functions to erase cookies from the computer’s hard drive or to block all cookies or to receive a warning before a cookie is stored. You are welcome to use such facilities to prevent the installation of any cookie but by accessing our website you consent to our use of any information gathered for the purposes mentioned above. For more information about cookies please visit www.Aboutcookies.Org.
We may alter these terms of use at any time. Any such changes will become binding on you upon your first use of our site after the changes have been implemented. You are therefore advised to check this page from time to time.
In the event of any conflict between the current version of these terms of use and any previous version(s), the provisions current and in effect shall prevail unless it is expressly stated otherwise.
To contact us, please email us at
Communications from us
If we have your contact details (if, for example, you have an account) we may from time to time send you important notices by email. Such notices may relate to matters including, but not limited to, service changes, changes to these terms of use, our terms of sale, and changes to your account. We will never send you marketing emails of any kind without your express consent. If you do give such consent, you may opt out at any time. Any and all marketing emails sent by us include an unsubscribe link. If you opt out of receiving emails from us at any time, it may take up to 3-4 business days for us to comply with your request. During that time, you may continue to receive emails from us.
For questions or complaints about communications from us (including, but not limited to marketing emails), please contact us at
Any and all personal information that we may collect will be collected, used and held in accordance with the provisions of the data protection act 1998 and your rights and our obligations under that act.
We may use your personal information to:
– provide and administer your account;
– reply to any communications you send to us;
– send you important notices.
We will not pass on your personal information to any third parties.
These terms of use, and the relationship between you and us (whether contractual or otherwise) shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, english law. If you are a consumer, any disputes concerning these terms of use, the relationship between you and us, or any matters arising therefrom or associated therewith (whether contractual or otherwise) shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of england, wales, scotland, or northern ireland, as determined by your residency. If you are a business, any disputes concerning these terms of use, the relationship between you and us, or any matters arising therefrom or associated therewith (whether contractual or otherwise) shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of england and wales.
These terms of sale, together with any and all other documents referred to herein, set out the terms under which goods are sold by us to consumers through this website, (“our site”). Please read these terms of sale carefully and ensure that you understand them before ordering any goods from our site. You will be required to read and accept these terms of sale when ordering goods. If you do not agree to comply with and be bound by these terms of sale, you will not be able to order goods through our site. These terms of sale, as well as any and all contracts are in the english language only.
In these terms of sale, unless the context otherwise requires, the following expressions have the following meanings:
“contract” means a contract for the purchase and sale of goods;
“goods” means the goods sold by us through our site;
“order” means your order for goods;
“order confirmation” means our acceptance and confirmation of your order;
“order number” means the reference number for your order; and
“we/us/our” means bleach products ltd, a company registered in england under 07951797, whose registered address is bleach london unit 16, sefton business park, olympic way, l30 1rd .
Consumers may only purchase goods through our site if they are at least 16 years of age.
We make all reasonable efforts to ensure that all descriptions and graphical representations of goods available from us correspond to the actual goods. Please note, however, the following:
– images of goods are for illustrative purposes only. There may be slight variations in colour between the image of a product and the actual product sold due to differences in computer displays and lighting conditions.
All prices are shown on our website, are quoted in british sterling (£) and are inclusive of uk sales tax (vat). The current rate of vat is 20%.
Non-eu customers are responsible for import duty/tax in their respective countries. Unfortunately we cannot advise you what these costs will be – please consult your local customs office for more information.
We try to make sure that the prices on our website are accurate but errors may occur. We reserve the right to change prices and to add, alter, or remove special offers from time to time and as necessary. If we discover an error in pricing of the goods in your order we will inform you as soon as possible using the contact details you supply us and give you the option of reconfirming your order at the correct price or cancelling it. (if we are unable to reach you we will treat the order as cancelled). In the event of an order being cancelled, any payment made for the goods will be refunded in full.
All offers are available while stocks last. If we are unable to supply a particular item which you have ordered or if the correct price for an item is different from the price on your order, we will notify you as soon as we can after receiving your order. If this happens, you may cancel your order and we will refund you any money which you have paid.
In the event that the price of goods you have ordered changes between your order being placed and us processing that order and taking payment, you will be charged the price shown on our site at the time of placing your order.
Delivery charges are not included in the price of goods displayed on our site. Delivery options and related charges will be presented to you as part of the order process.
Our site will guide you through the ordering process. Before submitting your order you will be given the opportunity to review your order and amend it. Please ensure that you have checked your order carefully before submitting it.
If, during the order process, you provide us with incorrect or incomplete information, please contact us as soon as possible. If we are unable to process your order due to incorrect or incomplete information, we will contact you to ask to correct it. If you do not give us the accurate or complete information within a reasonable time of our request, we will cancel your order and treat the contract as being at an end. If we incur any costs as a result of your incorrect or incomplete information, we may pass those costs on to you.
In the unlikely event that we do not accept or cannot fulfil your order for any reason, we will explain why in writing. No payment will be taken under normal circumstances. If we have taken payment any such sums will be refunded to you as soon as possible.
Any refunds due will be made using the same payment method that you used when ordering the goods.
Payment for goods and related delivery charges must always be made in advance and you will be prompted to pay during the order process. Your chosen payment method will not be charged until we dispatch your goods.
We accept the following methods of payment on our site:
Visa or mastercard credit card or by switch, solo or delta debit card or paypal.
We will be responsible for any foreseeable loss or damage that you may suffer as a result of our breach of these terms of sale (or the contract) or as a result of our negligence. Loss or damage is foreseeable if it is an obvious consequence of our breach or negligence or if it is contemplated by you and us when the contract is created. We will not be responsible for any loss or damage that is not foreseeable.
We only supply goods for domestic and private use by consumers. We make no warranty or representation that the goods are fit for commercial, business or industrial use of any kind (including resale). We will not be liable to you for any loss of profit, loss of business, interruption to business, or for any loss of business opportunity.
Nothing in these terms of sale seeks to limit or exclude our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence (including that of our employees, agents or sub-contractors); or for fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation.
Nothing in these terms of sale seeks to exclude or limit your legal rights as a consumer. For more details of your legal rights, please refer to your local citizens advice bureau or trading standards office.
We will not be liable for any failure or delay in performing our obligations where that failure or delay results from any cause that is beyond our reasonable control. Such causes include, but are not limited to: power failure, internet service provider failure, strikes, lock-outs or other industrial action by third parties, riots and other civil unrest, fire, explosion, flood, storms, earthquakes, subsidence, acts of terrorism (threatened or actual), acts of war (declared, undeclared, threatened, actual or preparations for war), epidemic or other natural disaster, or any other event that is beyond our reasonable control.
If you wish to contact us with general questions or complaints, you may contact us by email at
All personal information that we may collect (including, but not limited to, your name, address and telephone number) will be collected, used and held in accordance with the provisions of the data protection act 1998 and your rights under that act.
We may use your personal information to:
– provide our goods and services to you;
– process your order (including payment) for the goods; and
– inform you of new products and/or services available from us (if you opt or have previously opted to receive it). You may request that we stop sending you this information at any time.
We will not pass on your personal information to any third parties without first obtaining your express permission.
These terms of sale, and the relationship between you and us (whether contractual or otherwise) shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, english law.
If you are a consumer, any disputes concerning these terms of sale, the relationship between you and us, or any matters arising therefrom or associated therewith (whether contractual or otherwise) shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the courts of england, wales, scotland, or northern ireland, as determined by your residency.
The competition titled customer survey
July-aug 2020.
These terms and conditions govern the participation of individuals who submit entries (the “entrants”) in the bleach london customer survey (the “competition”).
By submitting an email address in respect of the competition, you agree to comply with and be bound by these terms and conditions. For more information please visit our privacy policy or get in touch at
The promoters reserve the right to exclude any entrant and/or withdraw any prize where the promoters deem, in their sole opinion, that the entrant has not complied with these terms and conditions.
The competition is promoted by bleach products limited, a company incorporated and registered in england and wales with company number 7951797 and whose registered offices are at unit 23, 92-96 de beauvoir road, london n1 4en (the “promoters”).
All entrants must be over 18 years old. All entrants under the age of 18 must-have gained the permission of their parent or guardian before entering the competition.
No purchase is required or accepted as a condition of participating in the competition. Participation in the competition is free.
Entries after the closing date 22nd august 2020 will not be accepted.
The entrant confirms that they will not publish or post to any website or other media operated by promoters or related to the competition any text, statement, photograph, image or other material which is obscene, defamatory, infringes the intellectual property or other legal rights of any third party or is otherwise unlawful, offensive or inappropriate.
A winner (the “competition winner”) will be chosen by random draw performed by a computer process within one month of the prize draw or competition ending.
The winning entrant will be randomly selected and awarded £500.
The winner will be contacted on email and receive the details of the prize.
The prize may not be substituted for any alternative prize and may not be transferred to any other person.
The competition winners will be notified by the 20th of august by email only.
The promoters shall have the right to vary these terms and conditions by posting amended terms and conditions on its website at any time.
All information relating to entrants collected by or on behalf of the promoters from which each entrant can be identified will be recorded electronically and will be used and processed at all times in accordance with the data protection act 1998.
Insofar as is permitted by law, bleach lonond, its agents or distributors will not in any circumstances be responsible or liable to compensate the winner or accept any liability for any loss, damage, personal injury or death occurring as a result of taking up the prize except where it is caused by the negligence of bleach london, its agents or distributors or that of their employees. Your statutory rights are not affected.
These terms and conditions and any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with them or the competition (including any non-contractual claims or disputes) shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of england and wales and the parties irrevocably submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the english courts.